Provide a brief description of the intervention? a. Who is implementing the intervention (what group or organization)? b. What resources are used in the intervention (e.g. materials, personnel, money, etc.)? c. In what kind of environment was the intervention be implemented (e.g. at-home, in community public spaces, in the workplace, etc.)? d. Describe the intervention activities i. Format (e.g. group/individual meetings, goal setting, telehealth, service delivery, etc.) ii. Content (e.g. skill building, reminder postcards, newsletters with education, etc.) iii. Principle of change (What specific activities are being used to change behavior and how is the change occurring? Be sure to incorporate theory into your answer.) Strengths of the intervention (How is the intervention grounded in theory- and evidence- based practices?) Weaknesses of the intervention (What weaknesses do you see in this intervention? Consider health behavior theory in your answer.) Recommendations (What recommendations - based on strengths and weaknesses identified in answers 4 and 5 - do you have to improve the efficacy of this intervention?) about the article ( assessing the impact of an educational intervention program on sexual abstinence based on the health belief model amongst adolescent girls in northren ghana, a cluster randomized trial. Answer the questions based on the article. The title of the article is provided above