Jeka Wind Farm project, a government funded project in small rural Easten Cape community of Idutywa, faced significant challenges due to poor communication among project stakeholders, resulting in unprecedented delays, project risks, and cost overruns. The implementation process was further hindered by inadequate Business Process Reengineering (BPR). The lack of effective communication hindered crucial decision-making and hindered the project's progress, leading to extensive delays in construction and the realization of the 100 MW wind farm. This, in turn, significantly escalated project costs and introduced unforeseen risks. Furthermore, the poor BPR implementation compounded the project's difficulties by failing to streamline processes and optimize resource allocation. As a result, the project manager had to address these critical issues to get the Jeka Wind Farm project back on track and ensure its successful completion. 1.1 A starting point for many Business Process Re-engineering (BPR) exercises, is to identify the project stakeholders and their expectations. As the newly appointed project manager for Jeka Wind Farm, examine the role of any FIVE (5) project stakeholders for the Jeka Wind Farm project